The Last Long Ride

 Day 55 +/(We've been travelling from the coast of Oregon for 66 days,  I have sometimes not been counting Sundays since its a non-riding day. The moral of the story is to take the Day # with a grain of salt).  

Started out along I 95 north of  Richmond. The route took a  somewhat circuitous route east and finally south to connect with the Capital Trail, a bike trail that goes all the way from Richmond to Jamestown.

As you travel around the northern suburbs of  Richmond, you are constantly passing roadside markers commemorating various Civil War battles.

And as I turned down a road, what should I see?

He was scooting across the road, in contrast to the turtles I saw in Missouri, which were sitting like lumps.

The bike trail terminates at the Museum in Jamestown.  There I got on the Colonial Parkway.  This road was probably built some time ago. Its concrete, with rather large round pebbles/rocks in the mix. Over time the superficial concrete has worn away exposing the rocks.  Its very bumpy.  

Tomorrow is the last day.  Less than 20 miles to the beach in Yorktown, then we celebrate.

Thanks for reading.

Morning Ride

  • Distance
    82.84 mi
  • Elev Gain
    1,444 ft
  • Time
    5h 47m



    1. You’re almost there! Hurray! We’re cheering for you - Eileen, Wade, and Max

    2. Oh my goodness Tom ~ what an amazing adventure of a lifetime! We are so inspired by your determination, strength and will ~ God bless you as you savor the final day of your incredible journey 🚲
      Wyn & Kay


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